Sunday, December 30, 2007


2008! Are you ready for it?

What are your big plans? Any big trips or things you have planned out for the new year? Do you make resolutions each year? Or are you the type that uses the 'carry over rule'? You know, carry over the items from last year into the new year and keep on trying to dial those things in!

There are some things I have on my list for '08 that I want to see happen.

If you could pick one thing to see happen in your life in '08, what would that one thing be? No do-overs. No carry overs. You get one shot...what would it be?????


Saturday, December 29, 2007


Went to a funeral today.

The mom of my cousin's wife passed away. A phenomenal woman. A phenomenal wife. A phenomenal mom. A phenomenal grammy. A phenomenal human being.

She battled MS for 45 years.

She went to heaven, early in the morning on Christmas eve.

As I sat and thought about her and the difficult life she lived, I was impressed with this one thing: she lived life extremely well because she knew what mattered most. She invested herself into God and into her family. Talk about an outstanding family! Her daughter, her grand kids...outstanding people....just like their mom and grammy.

Life may not always turn out like we would like, but we can still focus on what matters most.


Monday, December 24, 2007


When I was a little boy, our family would always open our gifts on Christmas eve night. It could never come soon enough! Probably the longest period of time in my life were the painful hours that moved dreadfully slow during Christmas eve day!
Mom would make a huge dinner. We'd eat as fast as we could and then we would clean up the kitchen as fast as we could and then we would pile around the tree and pass out the gifts. Dad would read the Christmas story from the bible and then we would pray. Then, we would open gifts, one at a time, taking turns and starting with the youngest and moving to the eldest. Don't get me wrong, it was not quiet or calm. I think the best fun were the gag gifts and wrapping paper fights we would have.
When I was twelve, I had this absolute penchant for omelets. Omelets at home. Omelets at restaurants. So here comes Christmas eve.....yep.....Dad had bought me an omelet maker! Was I happy? Was I thrilled? Of course............NOT! What kind of a sick joke is that! I hated working in the kitchen. Omelets are to be eaten not made! To this day, we still laugh at that crazy gift.
Mom and Dad were and continue to this to try and squeeze every good and meaningful thing out of the best time of the year: Christmas.
I think that is why we do Christmas the same way now that I'm a parent. We have a big dinner. Clean up the kitchen. Read the bible, pray and then PARTAY!!!!!!!
I really hope you have or start to build into the fabric of your life, tremendous memories and traditions into your Christmas seasons.

Sunday, December 23, 2007


We had an awesome service this morning! We had loads of guests. Dedicated 5 children, and gave away 3 Wii systems and 5 video iPod Nanos! We had a blast talking about the free gift of salvation through Jesus....then gave away free gifts!
I love DCC and am so grateful to God for the faithful people who set up and tear down each week and teach and love kids, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc. The list of functions these awesome people fulfill is long and they rise to the occasion with excellence each and every week. I am blessed to be a part of them!
This is what makes a church great: faithful people who are excited to do whatever it takes to reach people with the true message of Jesus!

Friday, December 21, 2007


I finished two books this week that were at polar ends of the spectrum,but yet the same. The similar trait was that they drove home one consistent them: communicating well. They were totally opposite of each other in that one was from a business guru and the other from a pastor.

The business book was extremely enjoyable and motivating. The one from the pastor was extremely challenging and motivating as well. It all made me think about the balancing act that believers must accomplish to succeed in business and in faith.

Can you balance faith and business and succeed?

The one author would say 'no way'! Faith is for the weak. It is all up to you. You have to make it happen. Fight back! Don't take 'no' for an answer. It's all about the bottom line...regardless of how we get there!

There are business practices that dilute one's faith and testimony. There are biblical principles that challenge the 'wheelings and dealings' of some business ventures. Balancing between success in business and success with faith should not be viewed separately but as coinciding principles.

Who do you know that has done exceptionally well in business without compromising their faith and devotion to biblical principles?

I have some people that I know personally that have succeeded magnificently in business without compromising their faith. They have not wavered on being as prudent a business mind as possible. They have been aggressive. They have done well. Yet, to a person, they are immensely respected for their faith and business acumen.

Guys, hurry up!!! You only a couple days left!!


Thursday, December 20, 2007


Ever been in the hills and gotten stuck in a rut? Not fun and not so cool. Ruts can get deep and can hold you fast. Without a winch and something to tie onto or chains or another vehicle to pull you out, you might be there awhile. Ruts are inevitible, but they don't have to dictate or direct how we live our lives.

We're talking about how, as we get older, we tend to develop ruts in our lives. Now, for sake of discussion, let's define rut.

For our purposes a rut will be any habit or thing we do that really doesn't add anything to our life or the lives of others. "Why do we drive this way every time?" "Why do you order the same thing every time?" "Why do you..........?" "Why do I...." Usually the answer, if we were to be honest, would be that we are in a rut.

One sure fire way to get yourself out of a rut and to experience a new twist in thinking and doing, is to learn something brand new!

Right now I'm learning a new software program. The last time I had to learn a new program was 13 years ago...a very intense music program that I have used exclusively. Learning that was a brain bender, but wow, what a great tool for composing and creating charts, etc.

This new program is not that intense at all, but nonetheless, new vernacular, new protocols, new stuff that I never knew and now I am expanding my thinker and it is fun! It has bumped me out of the rut of sameness.

Are you learning anything new that will enhance your life and the lives of others around you? It doesn't have to be a new software program or new course at the university, but it might be something like, picking up the trade of talking to your neighbors or talking with your kids or playing games with the family and learning how to build them up through giving them your time.

Whatever it is, you have a ton of stuff in you that is GREAT that has yet to be experienced. My guess, is that it's because we stay in the rut and never get out of it. Venture out of the ruts of life and learn something new! You can do it!!!!


Wednesday, December 19, 2007



Here we go guys, depending on when you open presents, you are down to a max of six days!!!

We finished up our shopping, mostly, on Sunday afternoon and into the night! How is it that one can hike all over the woods or mountains and not be too tired, but a guy spends six hours at the mall and is ready for medical help??????

I must tell you, I had a blast! Having all ladies in my home, shopping is one thing that is they totally love to do. And on Sunday I really had a good time. The reason is that it reminded me of how we would make a big deal out of Christmas shopping when I was a little boy. Dad, four brothers, and mom would pile into he Oldsmobile 98 and make short time of the drive from Arlington to Southcenter. We'd hit the mall, synchronize our watches, pick a time and a place to meet up again (usually two to three hours later), send mom on her way and then we boys would hang with dad and hit: Orange Julius, See's Candies, and as many other "Hey, let's try one of those..." kind of establishments!!!!

The bottom line is just being together and having fun with each other and making a special time out of this most special time of the year! We did it as little boys and now I'm doing it decades later with my kids and having a blast!

We will do it all again when we take everything back!!!!!

Have a great day!


Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Talked to a great friend today in Cali. He was telling me about a situation that happened with one of his relatives.

It just so happened that his relative went to a funeral, a christian funeral, and was really challenged to do better with his life. Everyone noticed it at work the next day. A few days later he dropped dead. Choked while eating.

Do you find the funeral deal ironic or a weird coincidence or providential? Regardless of how any of us see it, his number came up and that was it.

The great thing is that he had an opportunity to contemplate life and think about the bigger picture. I believe the funeral got his attention.

What if your response after you attend a funeral? I'd love to hear about it.


Tuesday, December 11, 2007


If you are, you are in the minority, but you would be deserving a medal!

I'm not and I along with the hordes of other humans will be doing the mad dash to the finish line of Christmas shopping. Some things never change.

One thing that I am thinking about this Christmas more than ever before is the plight of all of these people who are facing such nightmarish conditions with the flooding. Its hard for me to focus on gifts when I see the news each night and people are demolishing their homes to rebuild. I have way too much stuff!

I am looking into what our family can do to help.


Sunday, December 2, 2007


Both are not guaranteed. Both are not permanent.

In both cases, a strong case could be made that much of it is mental. An attitude. A desire or lack thereof. Certainly not all of it boils down to the cranium side of things. There are other factors that weigh in pretty heavy.

We've all heard or read about the terrific stories of people who have risen through adversity and neglect to make go from loser to winner. And of course we have heard or read the stories of the people who went from having it all to having nothing and never turned it back around.

For me two words come to my mind as it relates to the subject of winning and losing: time and tenacity. It takes time and tenacity to become a winner/achiever/to go from nothing to something. Once you are there it takes more time and more tenacity to stay there.

Losing takes time as well and a certain amount of tenacity; either utilized or under-utilized.

I believe that every person was designed to be a winner, an achiever, a person of honor. It is up to us and how much time and tenacity we put into life, that will determine whether or not we win or lose. Attitudes. Family. Character. How we treat people who can't do a thing for us. These are things to win at! These can be passed on and grow in our children. Cars. Homes. Vacations. Status. Climbing the ladder of life. These, fade or just flat wear out.

Here's a thought for you: what is currently consuming your time and tenacity and are you fulfilled in that?

Have a great day!


Thursday, November 29, 2007


I'm drinking my morning 'brew' of Sbx from my crazy old Sbx coffee cup. I've had this cup for along time. Nothing special about it. Just your basic white mug. Terribly faded label. I really don't care for it because it doesn't hold enough of the mighty bean! However.......

it has the big S label on it.

Without the label, it would be your basic, white, ceramic mug. Old school. Nothing fancy.

What's up with our affinity to have or have on a label?

Kind of funny isn't it?

Back in 1926 the Neiman Marcus Company started publishing an annual catalog of unusual gifts you could by for your special someone. But for many years the catalog didn't do very much business. Then in 1959 they decided to make a shift: they decided to publish it with only the most lavish and expensive 'labelesque' items imaginable. That year you could order a black Angus steer, to be delivered either on the hoof or in steaks with a silver-plated outdoor cooker.
The gifts have grown with the years. Just last year you could have bought a trip to send six passengers 63 miles above the Earth via Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo. Cost for this 'label' item: $1.7 mil. Or, if that was a bit steep, you could do the custom BMW for a mere $139,000.00

Labels aren't everything or are they?

What do you think? Do labels make a person or does the person make the label?

Could it be both?

What label are you wearing? Does it adequately identify the real you? Or does the label cover who you are?

Awesome dad! Amazing mom!! Phenomenal wife! Incredible husband! Exceptional child! Loving and inspiring pappa and monga! Superb neighbor! Fantastic friend.

Wear your label well, today!!


Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I apologize for not posting for some time. Now we are back!

Here we go! Not only do we have the election competition heating up, but did you stray out into the human free-for-all called 'Black Friday' last week or did you wait until 'Cyber Monday'?

Competition is at it's high point for the year! Candidates competing for your ear and heart. Retailers trying to reel you into their store or website. The Seahawks are attempting to repeat as NFC West champs and the Huskies are trying to not be demoted to a Division II A football program!! (And I'm a Husky fan!). The wrangling for your wallet and attention is at a fever pitch!

It made me think about the competitive things that happen in your life and my life on a more personal level like job advancement, time, rest, meeting the needs of not only yourself, but our families. There is a ton of competitive elements that comprise our every day existence.

The great coach of the dynasty making UCLA basketball teams; the Wizard of Westwood; the coach who would never, ever call the first time out in a game.....John Wooden....was no stranger to competition. He knew it well.

Coach Wooden always taught his players: "Be true to yourself." Be who you are. Be what you are. Work hard to better yourself and reach your potential, but never forget to "Be true to yourself."

Competition can either hone us into whom we are becoming or it can shove us into what we are not.

Be yourself. Continue to force yourself to become the best you can be, but don't do the competitive game of comparison and improper evaluation of self. The backdrop of others is never a good image to place yourself in front of. Rather, make your own picture. Create your own masterpiece. That was another John Woodenism.....'Make today a masterpiece.'

Compete against yourself. Make yourself achieve. The battle to be better than others is time wasted and energy unwisely used.


Saturday, November 17, 2007


It's been awhile since the last blog. The driving thing is going great! She is doing an awesome job and the car and body are intact!!!! Great job!!

Stayin' alive for most of us is the title of a song from yester-year or a phrase used for 'on the bubble' athletic teams or any number of other not near death situations in life where things might be a bit tight, but not life threatening.

I don't mean to get heavy (not another song, here), but there will be people this winter where that title will be a reality. And I suppose as the prices of every commodity rises around us, more and more people, quite possibly right next to us, will need help to see another day.

My encouragement to all of us is to do a little extra for the food banks and charitable organizations that meet the daily needs of people who are just trying to make it through another day. They aren't thinking about a disco ball, tight leisure suit, and lookin' cool. These people are just trying to stay warm, dry, and get on square a day.

Let's all pitch in and help others during this long and cold Northwest winter. Do what you can do! Together, we can make a HUGE impact.


Thursday, November 8, 2007


I know what you're thinking. But I'm not talking about that! Here's what I'm talkin' about...that moment when most parents, move from in control to being at the mercy of the moment. That time in life when you try to not allow your blood pressure to rise like the mercury on a thermometer in death valley. That moment when you cross over the imaginary line that differentiates between how you hope they have seen you function and not upon how they have seen you function. I'm talkin about that season called instructional permit!

Yes, we are experiencing the season, in our home, for the very first time. My oldest daughter actually drives very well. Not because of me, but because she has observed how her mother drives. This is a very good thing.

Here is the crazy part: why do they call the card that the student carries with them an 'instructional permit'? Really that is quite wrong. They should issue every parent a card that says the very same thing once the child receives their card. I've never done this before!!!! I don't have a brake or steering wheel on my side of the car!! I'm learning MORE than my daughter is and it has nothing to do with driving!! You know what I mean???

I'm learning that it really cool going through new ages and stages with my kids!

I'm learning that I really care more for my kids than I ever thought or dreamed!

I'm learning that I am spending more time thinking about God's amazing future He has for their
lives and that I get to play a major role in it!

I'm learning that I get totally stoked when I think about how God is guiding their lives just as He wants and that my role and function is more about stewardship and not ownership!

I'm learning that parenting is one of the most awesome privileges a person could ever have is that of raising children!

I'm also learning that I drive way too fast and that I have no idea what the speed limits are.....when I'm driving!!!!!

'Tis the season!!!!


Monday, November 5, 2007


It's funny, but that might be a word that has been more powerful in the past and is loosing it's own 'passion', but suffice it to say, we all know that it is a very strong word.

Everyone is passionate about something. Life is to be lived passionately. When I live passionately my family is better for it, I'm better for it and others around are positively impacted. It might come through a 'can do' attitude, or helping with a project, or making someone laugh, whatever we do, passion should be the fuel that fires up life.

And then those are those times when passion gets us in trouble!

I had that happen on Saturday.

My passion for coaching and athletics made my mouth a tad bit over-responsive and I was 'too passionate' with a fellow coach of mine!!

Some would say, "Dude, why even let unsuspecting people know about your issues?" Well, there's a book I like to read and it talks about the fact that 'confession is healthy for living well.'
Now, I wish I would never have popped off out of frustration. There is no reason that a game should mess up my mental kitchen, but it did and I allowed it.

My popping off, made for a really ugly Saturday for me internally. I blew it. I knew it. And I had to make it right. So I emailed my friend and lamely apologized. I then called him on Sunday and did so again. He was so gracious and kind. He told me I was way to harsh on myself and he said that it was not an issue. What a great guy!

The point in all of this rambling is that we should never live a day without fire and passion for living well. BUT, when we blow it, we need to have the same fire and passion to make it right. I need to do better on the field and on the court.

Passion- helps teams win, makes homes great and businesses grow, encourages our kids and spouses and just might make all the difference in the world for someone!



Saturday, November 3, 2007


My phone rang the other day and as I picked it up, the number was one that I did not recognize. Nothing new. I answered and instantly I knew the voice! We hadn't talked for at least, I don't know, 7 years or more.

He was a friend from college and it was great hearing from him. Talking and telling stories and getting caught up on life was, well, hilarious! It was truly, great hearing from him and we are trying to figure out how to grab a cup of joe sometime!

The funny thing about it was, I had been trying to track him down, but without any success. So, I basically just gave up and left it at that.

The best thing about true friends, is that you can be separated by miles and years and once you reconnect, it's as if nothing happened.

Maybe you can do a better job than I did reconnected with a friend from years gone by. Give it a shot. The laughs and 'do you remember when...' stories are truly worth it!!!



Thursday, November 1, 2007


The pantry in our house really began to stink shortly after we moved in!

I mean, like really bad.

It was like something had crawled inside the walls and died.....the size of a rhino!!!

My wife and looked and I had looked, on numerous occasions, but we just couldn't figure it out. And the stink rolled on! It kept getting, well, richer, fuller, deeper, and just plain more ugly and foul.

We hypothesised that during the building process, something either was left in a wall or something got into a wall to rot! We thought it might be the framers, the sheet rockers, the clean-up guys, anybody we could think of.

Leaving the door to the pantry open at night only put a dent into the odor and of course, put the odor all over the house. We had some friends over and I had the husband go and get me a can of something out of the pantry. Yep, he about gagged.

Finally, my wife, took it personally and began hauling out every item that was in that small area. I heard her holler, "There it is!" I panicked! I thought she found the rotting carcass of some small rodent that I really don't care for. So I hollered back, "What is IT?"

IT was a foul, beyond spoiling, decaying into nuclear waste.........onion!

Good grief. An onion.

Well so much for our theories of who did what and how!

So, whenever there is something awry, remember, it might not be as bad as you think. It might only be a rotting onion!



Wednesday, October 31, 2007


There was a very innocuous song way back in the 70's that had that line in it. My older brother and I would laugh and say that phrase because of a friend of ours who couldn't say it just right....he had trouble with the 'le' of people and it would always come out 'peopo'. He had this sort of Porky Pig way of talking with the 'peopo evwy weao need peopo' thing going on....thus we were hooked on a goofy line from a song because our friend couldn't say 'people' just right!! He'd say it. We'd bust up. Our laughing would egg him on.......warped!!!!

OK, we shouldn't have laughed at our buddy!!! But, man was he funny!!

Now, some decades removed, I'm thinking about how brutally true that phrase is. People everywhere are looking for meaningful relationships. Decent relationships. Friendships. People are lonely as they are surrounded by humanity.

Never in my life have I been more aware of that than right now! Getting people hooked up with each other in a wholesome, healthy, and meaningful way is a giant part of what church is all about. We as humans, have at the very core of us, an innate desire to be connected with others. We draw support and encouragement, laughter and hope from each other.

People are more important than programs, but if you have the right programs that get people connected correctly is huge. And I'm looking forward to getting that accomplished, because the goofy phrase has it right....

'Peopo everywhere need peopo.....!"


Monday, October 29, 2007


I love the colors of Fall!

My daughter and I went over to Wenatchee for a couple of days and the colors of the leaves were stunningly vibrant! What a beautiful time of year. What was totally interesting was that in some places it appeared as if the sun was shining on a hillside, but in actuality it was the vivid colors. Man, were they ever loud for being so silent!

The whole trip made me think of the seasons of life. We get older. Our children grow up. And in all of it, hopefully, we have produced over time, some familial traditions and seasonal 'givens' that have great value, that our children will carry on with their children. Seasons have a way of doing that.

As seasons change, God's creation is gearing up for the next season; getting ready; preparing itself. I'm kind of doing the same thing: planning, preparing, getting ready...but the bottom line is that the colors of the season I am in are absolutely beautiful. They are just as gorgeous as previous ones. It's a great season.

I'm lovin' the colors!



Tuesday, October 23, 2007

We Have Lift Off!

Sunday was so cool!

For the past year we have been planning, preparing, building a team, buying stuff, and a ton of other things that are connected with starting/planting a church. Sunday was our first public meeting.

We sent out mailers and people invited their friends and neighbors. We had 100 people show up! What an answer to prayer!! God is so totally awesome. The people were terrifically warm and encouraging. They laughed at my corny humor and they were some of the nicest people you will ever meet! How cool it is!!

I can't wait to see who is new this week!!!!


Friday, October 19, 2007

Blast from the Past!

Wednesday night was a great time!

26 years have passed since I saw some of these great people!!

I had the great opportunity to hook up with some friends at the church I grew up in. What a fun experience it was to re-connect with friends in my peer group and those people who were adults when I was a little kid. Time has not changed who they have always bee: outstanding! They might be a bit more grey, some have lost weight, and others haven't changed a bit.

Truly, I am grateful for people in life, who remain true to themselves and don't shift and change with the times. They aren't stuck in a time warp, they have progressed with progress, but inside, they remain the true blue friends that I spent 16 years with.

This is an admirable goal to set: to change the little things that need changing in our lives, but to remain the same wonderful person we are so that after 26 years, we can carry on conversations with old friends and feel like nothing has changed!


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Embrace the moment!

I've been trying something new as of late. I'm not very proficient at it yet. I still slide very quickly back into the predominant way of thinking that has been molded and shaped over time and situations. I find this new way of functioning challenging and exciting at the same time!

What I am attempting to do is to take every unique moment that pops up in my day and embrace it for what it is! That demands that I try to define what 'it' actually is. What I am coming to realize is that by doing so, my day is actually much more powerful. Much more enjoyable. Filled with much more potential.

I am attempting to embrace each turn of the day as an embraceable moment of reality that should be used to enrich my life and someone else's.

Two days ago I had to run an errand to the paint store. I view paint stores like my wife views hunting equipment.....why do they exist? It goes without saying that I was not looking forward to this little trip.

Then I reminded myself that this is a turn in my day that I need to embrace. I need to look forward to what this moment has to afford and take it and make something great out of it.

It happened!

There were people in the store requiring that I wait in line. In front of me was a young mom with a two year old girl and a baby in the car seat tote thingymajig! My first impulse was to do my normal mental shuffle and calculate how much time I'm going to waste by waiting for the clerks to answer a billion questions and then finally help, but I didn't go there. She came to me!

Yep, that two year old came around the corner of the aisle with two paint rollers up to her eyes and looked up at her mom and said, "smile!". There was my moment! I rolled up the paper I had in my hand and looked at her and said "cheeze!". We were buds from that moment on.

For the next 15 minutes we made animal sound noises with our rolled up papers and had a ball! What I didn't realize is that there was a line of men behind me and as the little girl and I began to make 'piggy' noises, I was startled when I heard one guy say, "I could never do that!".

Here's the kicker: when the mom left with her baby, two year old, and clerk carrying the paint, the two year old came back to me and wanted to play some more. Her mom came rushing to the door wondering where her daughter was and then saw her with me. She laughed and called her by name and off they went.

What a great embraceable moment! I made a new little friend. I didn't get bummed out about having to wait in line in a store that I would rather not be in, and besides, it gave me a chance to really hone my barnyard sounds!! The pig is really coming along!!!!


Monday, October 15, 2007

Membership Matters!

Saturday was a big day!

My wife and our oldest daughter headed to an all day swim meet. I took our younger daughter to her soccer game. We then headed to run a few errands after the game and then off to sight in a rifle she will use in a couple of weeks for the annual elk hunt!

Now, I thought I had my ducks in a row. I had emailed the range master and he gave the hours that the range would be open. We headed out to the range and wouldn't you know it, I had not asked the correct question. I asked what time and he gave me the times, he didn't tell me you had to be a member. Never came up.

Bummer deal.

So we headed to another gun range nearby hoping that we would find a sympathetic soul to help us. We found a gentleman who was more than gracious and was happy to help get the gun sighted in. What a great guy! Thanks for your help Clete!

As we left, I was grateful for our newly made friend and it also made me think about how membership matters. Being a member of certain things is critical for life to work well: family, small group of close friends, work force, and many more. Membership offers community and benefits that are unavailable to those outside its boundaries.

I found that out on Saturday at the locked gate!

It might be wise to check into the membership dues at the gun club!!


Saturday, October 13, 2007

Three Fences, One Workbench, And Four Houses

I took a trip down memory lane last evening.

After three fences, one workbench and four houses later, I decided it was high time to go through the organizer bins I have neglected for 17 years! Yep......17 years.

Last night, I took control! I bull rushed those bins with their nightmarish clutter and junk and I did battle! Not only did I fight off the enemy of disorganization and mess, but I actually won! Now there are four bins with drawers that make sense.

No longer does one slide out drawer contain anything from rubber stoppers to push pins or rusty nails or bent screws. Nope, we are lookin' good! Some drawers even have the labels from the box that was housing the 3 1/2 galvanized screws! Wow!!

Here's the point. I spent probably two hours to sort, pick through, throw out, clean up an area that I had just flat out neglected over the course of 17 years. Was the disarray ruining my life or my family? Of course not, however, it did bug me sometimes to look at the mess and after .00075 seconds I would flush that thought and move on with my day.

Going through the 100 plus slide out drawers was actually quite fun. I had the Red Sox and Indians game on and I actually found myself having a great time! It wasn't all about getting a much needed job done, but rather all of the great memories connected with some of the nails, screws, electrical outlet covers, wiring, that made the time really cool.

There were the outlet wall covers so that our daughters wouldn't put their fingers into the wall plug in (or did Karen buy those so that I wouldn't do that???). There are the 'child-proof' drawer thingymajigs. There are the many sized and multiple threaded screws from when my father-in-law built (he let me supervise!!!!) the custom work bench for our basement in Iowa.
The galvanized nails from our very first fence. And then the tons of 'extra' bolts, nuts, washers, doohickies, from stuff I have put together over the years. I never have figured out why all the leftover parts????

After getting the stuff sorted and tossing the junk that should have been tossed the day I last touched it makes for a much more tidy and efficient workbench. It's nicer to look at and I know where I can find everything. The drawers actually work when I pull them out!! The clutter and junk is gone!

Clearing up the clutter makes for a better environment. Clearing up the clutter on my workbench is really no different than life. Life gets cluttered and sometimes we need to take some time and focus on getting it cleaned and cleared up so that it all works better!


Thursday, October 11, 2007

It's What You Make It

When you live in the Pacific Northwest, you learn very quickly to deal with cool, wet, and sometimes downright nasty weather. I'm a native of this state, but having lived for six years in Northern California, I must say, I fell in love with the weather and look of Sacramento! I never would have believed that I would love hot weather......100+ was great!

That was then, this is now.

I heard one guy say that we had summer this year on a Thursday. He was probably correct. Summer never hit and now we are heavy into the Fall. Even though it's cool and wet and cloudy, it's what you make it that counts.

A couple of weeks ago on a Sunday afternoon, we decided to take the dog for a walk in the pouring down rain. We took the umbrellas, the dog, put on the ski jackets, and off we went. Didn't see another soul walking outside. Had the sidewalk and the park and the street all to ourselves. We had a great time! The coffee was stupendous, the dog was thrilled, and it was one of those times when everything that happened in that hour was great.

I have to give all the credit to my wife and youngest daughter for the great time. I didn't want to go because it was raining!!!

It's what you make it.

MTC! (maketodaycount)


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A dog, a frog, some logs, and a bog

We have a dog.

Our dog doesn't like frogs.

Our dog lives near a bog and a bunch of logs.

Our dog has lots of tree frogs in his yard.

Beau the dog hates the frogs.

How do I know he hates the frogs?

Whenever he gets near them, he gags!

OK, so, I am not even close to Dr. Seuss, but our dog gags at frogs. What a comedy!
He will go up to them sniff them and then gag! It is really funny to watch. He even
gagged when grandma put an earth worm up to his face. The dog needs help!

He doesn't eat them. He doesn't put them in his mouth. He just gets curious and
puts his nose down where they are and viola! Let the gags begin.

The gagging dog trick is not dissimilar we humans. We all have certain
things that we like and certain things that make us, well, queasy. It might be an environment,
or a certain food or a type of people. But that is what makes life great, isn't it? Nobody is
exactly the same. I have likes that you might dislike and vice versa. All we have to do is go into
any convenience store and look at all the choices of sodas. I know there had to be somebody somewhere at sometime that had great insight and said: "We only need two sodas in our store!"

Back to the dog.

The funny thing is that with our dog, it's not his fault he gets freaked out with the frogs. It's not the frog's problem; it's just hangin' in the cool moist grass or on the leaf of the shrub. I'm glad Beau is Beau. I'm glad the frog is the frog. I'm glad you are you and I'm glad I am me!!


Monday, October 8, 2007

The Power of Pull

Ever watch how they make taffy? The pulling and pulling and pulling and pulling.....

If they didn't pull it, they would just have a blob of sticky, tacky, goopy un-taffy!

It would not reach it's completed state without the pulling. 'Pulling together' with people has the same outcome as when they make taffy: the pulling creates something.

Working together; team; pulling together......

We launch in less than two weeks! What a blast. One year ago, DCC did not exist. Now there is a group faithful, committed, phenomenal people who are pumped about October 21. We have been pulling together for one year.

The Toddler team is tight!
The Nursery team is charming!
The Elementary team is stoked!
The Lighting team is shining brightly.
The Sound team is rockin!
The Guest Services team are smilin and providin'!
The team R.O.D.I.E.S. are dominating!

When people pull together, that which does not exist can exist. Ownership takes place. Enrollment happens. Life gets bigger and better. Possibility thinking pervades the minds
of those in the pulling process!

When you pull for me and me for you......that's power!

Not just physical strength, but emotional and stuff.

I need to find someone today that I can 'pull' for; someone who needs a smile; someone who
needs to be encouraged or helped or loved. Who can you help pull together with today?

The power of pull.


Friday, October 5, 2007

Fake It 'Til You Make It!

If you are talented enough you can fake out most people! But you can't fake out everbody! And there is always one person you can never 'shake and bake' around: you!

Faking is acceptable when you are making music with your friends and you blow through the changes totally aware that you just don't know the voicings! Faking is acceptable when you are playing a game of HORSE and you lob up some junk all the while talking smack to your opponents. Faking is acceptable when I touch a power tool or paint brush!!

Marion Jones tried to fake it and basically lied about it up until now.

The three time Olympic Champion has admitted to using steroids. (I just got that cortisone shot in my shoulder, does that mean I need to admit to something here???? OK. My massive bulk and incredible speed is because I have used steroids in my shoulder! Haven't set any records and one dude told me that he gained 10 pounds after he got the shot! Great, maybe I will set a record!!!)

It bums me out that Jones faked and lied her way around the reality of what she did. I was always amazed by her abilities. Now, I wonder what her true abilities actually were at the time she won all those medals.

Being true to oneself is an axiom that the great coach John Wooden instilled within his players. His encouragement to hundreds of tremendously talented athletes through the years was to challenge yourself to reach your potential and then be ok with that. Work diligently and tirelessly to be your best and if your opponent beats you, it means that they were the better team or player that day.

Life is great when we work hard to be a better person and to achieve those things that we think are just out of reach, all the while being true to ourselves. Life get's crazy when we fake it hoping to make it!

Be true to yourself and in the process learn to like yourself. You are an amazing person with tremendous abilities and talents. Grow them. Nurture them. Learn to be ok with them.


Thursday, October 4, 2007

Twisted mister

I thought I had purchased the correct sprinkler. When I turned on the back lawn sprinklers I had one goofed up sprinkler head that I need to change out. It needs to oscillate and it is static. Doesn't change. Just sits in one location. It needs to twist side to side. I have to dig out that twisted mister and make a change.

Made me think.

There are some other things I need to change. Have you ever been in a situation where you knew you needed to change, but you really didn't know how to change?

I need to encourage our girls soccer players with a better tone of voice. That's a change I need to make. It's like digging up the sprinkler: you have to dig deep and change it out.

This is now a personal contest between me and myself. As I watch and encourage the girls in their game, I will be having one of my own against myself. Sounds like I need therapy!!!!

Changing out sprinkler heads is not that difficult. Changing out parts of me that need the work, I hope won't be any more difficult, but I have a hunch that it will be a much longer process!!


Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Parenting: assembly required

If you have seen the news at least once in the last week you've heard about the issues with Brittany Spears and her difficulties being a decent mom. I actually feel really sorry for her and I truly wish she finds help. I feel bad for her kids. The whole deal is a real mess.

It once again drives home the point that you can be old enough to make kids, but it is entirely a different subject when it comes to being old enough and mature enough to raise kids. Mix in our crazy fast paced, 'my kids need everything' society and parenting can become a dicey proposition at best.

The great news is that there are great parents all around. They are doing the best they can with limited resources and their kids are fantastic! Others, well, could use a tune up!

Having two daughters of my own, it really is funny how you think you have everything figured out when all of a sudden the kids bring to light things I really never even considered. That's when I'm reminded of the fact that I'm still learning as a parent. That's when I figure out that I'm still putting the pieces together on this whole parenting thing while at the same time trying to raise great kids. I'm trying to do the best I can. Trying not to make mistakes. I'm totally blessed with outstanding children. I really don't deserve them. I think God had pity on me!

So, to all you parents out there: be strong, stay the course, don't cave in, do the right thing, and carry extra tissue in your pocket!!!! Your kids need you to set a strong example of character and integrity before them! You can do it!!


Monday, October 1, 2007

Building Upon Memories

October 1.

When I was a kid, I couldn't wait for October. I would nearly crawl out of my skin in anticipation of October rolling around. It meant one thing: hunting season!

I was nine years old the first time I went hunting with my dad. I'll never forget it. We saw tons of deer. No shooters, just lots and lots of animals. God could have walked up to me and I wouldn't have been surprised; I thought I was in heaven!

Fast forward 34 years to last October. I was able to take my daughter elk hunting for her very first time. She loved it! I loved it! My dad was along, he loved it! Two of my brothers were along and they loved it and look forward when their kids are old enough to start tagging along.

Over the years we have always taken some time, now it is reduced to only a day, to do that which we love to do: be together out in the woods laughing, enjoying being together, remembering the times before, and if we are blessed in such a way- get a shot or two off.

My daughter is totally excited about going again and being with grandpa and her dad and uncles. We talked about it again yesterday. She passed her hunter safety course this summer and she can't wait to go!

The thing that sticks out most in my mind is not the animals we were able to harvest, but the time spent with my dad and brothers. Our lives and commitments do not allow us to take a ton of time to do that which could turn into a hardcore habit, but we make the time at least for one night and a day per year every October to build upon memories!

Things have changed alot in 34 years, but I get excited even more now because my daughter is a part of the crew!

Build upon your memories. Find what is good and make it better. Start some new memories!


Sunday, September 30, 2007

Never Again!

I was talking with one of my neighbors the other day and found out he is totally into hunting. He loves to bow hunt. We talk a bunch and he told me of some land he just went in on with a friend. He has never seen the property, but knew it would be great deal. The land is located is in a real booming area, on a lake, and will be snatched up in no time at all.

"Never again," he said in reference to missed opportunities to score big on land deals that he had not pulled the trigger on in the past.

Even though he has never seen the land, he knows it to be a good deal. He'll go and check it out sometime in the near future.

Even though he has never seen the land, he didn't want to pass up this opportunity.

It made me think.

Even though we can't see some things, we know they are good deals. We know they are good deals because we have missed the opportunities to invest in them before.

Love is a good deal.
Compassion is a good deal.
Empathy is a good deal.
Service is a good deal.
Laughter is a good deal.

Just like my friend, he had to act on the opportunity. We need to act on the opportunities that come our way.

Never again will I not love.
Never again will I not have compassion.
Never again will I not have empathy for others.
Never again will I not serve.
Never again will I not laugh!


Saturday, September 29, 2007


I sat down and had a plate of food at a funeral reception yesterday and began talking with a gentleman and his wife I had never seen nor met before. As we talked, he knows a friend of mine very well (same company), and his wife was a student of a friend of mine. Crazy.

We talked some more and I learned that he is from Northern Minnesota. He moved out to the Seattle area when he was still young and was hired by the Bon Marche (Macy's). He told me that the woman who interviewed him was also from the Midwest and after he was hired she said, "I knew that I was going to hire you the minute you said where you were from. You know how to work!"

As we continued to talk he made a comment that stuck in my mind. He said, "I'm a grinder."
He was referring to his work ethic. Not in a negative way, but in a positive way. He loves to work. He loves to be immersed in work. He is approaching retirement age and really doesn't care to retire.


That is a good thing.

One of the most rewarding things in my life is to do manual labor and then kick back and see how it all turned out. There is an inherent reward for working hard. There are tangible rewards for working hard.

I'm grateful to my parents for raising us four boys to be 'grinders'. They continue to model to me the whole work ethic thing. Suck it up. Work hard. Git'r done. Be prompt. Be prepared. Go the extra mile. Treat people with respect even if they dis you. Be honorable. Do it right. Reach your potential and then keep reaching. Don't just make do with what you have, but make great with what you got!


That's a good thing.


Friday, September 28, 2007

Dirt part 2..............the sequel

Well, the dirt is in. The grass is in. The mud is here! Yep, the rain came down and the dirt
is in that precarious stage of looking like dirt but if you put any weight upon it, instantly turning to mud!

It all looks great and I'm glad I didn't have to do it! There is still lots of work to do that Karen and I will do, but for now, the heavy lifting is done. Now on to the planting of 40 Emerald Greens and other plants.

Back to the mud thing: I know that I probably gripe about the rain and clouds and no sun too much, but I do know that it is a huge plus. It cleans out our air, makes everything green, puts snow in the mountains and water in our reservoirs. OK, I'm thankful for the rain! There.

So, I guess I just need to put the barn boots on and deal with it!

Mud on!



Thursday, September 27, 2007

Obsessed with dirt!

What's up with our obsession with dirt?

You've got your fill dirt, your topsoil dirt, your mulch dirt for your planting beds, you've got your three way mix dirt, you've got clean dirt and dirty dirt!

We take out dirt so that we can bring in more dirt and then put things in the dirt!

If you say dirt for more than 30 seconds, even the word starts to sound like you made it up! Dirt!!

We are putting our back yard in and it will take 30 yards of topsoil for the planting beds and 21 yards of dirt for the lawn. I can believe that we need that much dirt for our little lot.

I do know this, if you don't use the right dirt and if you don't have enough of it, the stuff you put on it and in it doesn't do very good. So, we are getting lots of dirt. This will be our fourth yard we are putting in and I must say that I'm actually bringing in some help to do the dirt.

This dirt thing really wears me out!

When the trucks roll up today and dump their dirt in the street, I will be thinking about how happy the grass and plants will be and how they will grow in the rich dirt. I will also think about how our minds and hearts need to be like the good soil that will be spread today. Good so that they can grow good and beautiful things. We, just like our lawns and planting beds, need to weed and clean up our heart and mind so that the good stuff doesn't get choked out by the bad stuff.

Hey, have a great day! I've got to go and make sure the dirt gets put in the right place!!


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Twists and Turns

Life has more of them than all of the episodes of 24 combined!

You try and make the best decisions you can and live life as it should be lived, and then boom! A turn that grabs you and makes you contemplate things rarely dealt with.

A friend of mine received news yesterday that his younger brother died.

That's a twist. That's a turn. 40 years of age is not old.

The crazy thing with twists and turns is that they do mess up your equilibrium, but they don't have to pitch you from the path. If you have something to hold on to, you can survive the ride. It might get bumpy, bouncy, crazy, but you don't have to get thrown off the ride of life.

Have you ever hung onto something that gave way when you put your weight upon it? I've even stood on something that was solid only to have it fall away from under me because I hadn't stabilized it first. The point is, what do you have in your life that won't break, buckle, leave you when you need some stability in your life?

Life's twists and turns should be a learning experience for us. They should teach us that we need something that will never change in our lives. Something that will give us stability and a hand-hold when life tries to throw us off it's back.

What are you hanging onto?

MTC! (now more than ever)


Sunday, September 23, 2007


OK, I shouldn't admit this, but when the home town loses, I really, really don't like it! Yesterday had to crushing defeats in it that as I write it, I'm not certain which one bugs me more: my daughter's soccer game or the UW not able to tackle any UCLA runner!!

I hate losing.

It has nothing to do with 'losers', just losing!

I guess what bugs me about losing is that the objective was not reached.

That's why I love sports so much. It can be competitive athletic engagement, hunting, fishing, etc. In sports there is an objective, a goal line, a hoop, a whopper, a wall-hanger (hunter verbiage for very large set of antlers!). There is a definitive time connected with it: 4 quarters, two halves, a two week season. There is a team involved. Playing on a team is fun! Hunting with my dad and brothers and now my daughter is a real blast! By the end of the 'time given to the sport', you can easily evaluate if you won or lost. Did you make the shot? Stop their offense? Land the fish? Best your previous top time? Win the match?

Losing well is something I'm still working at. It's not that I'm a sore loser. Not at all. It's just that I think about what we could have done better. Where did we let down? Should I have tried that other draw? Could we have done a better job passing the ball?

So today, I will not let the outcome of the Seahawks game, either a win or a loss affect me!

And I will probably chant that little mantra all game long!!!!!!!!!!

Make Today Count! (MTC)

Saturday, September 22, 2007


Back to the MRI!

Went to the doctor yesterday to get his input about the MRI on my shoulder. Great doctor!!

This all goes back to April. I washed my car and the next day my shoulder was about as happy as a cat in water! It has not gotten any better. In fact, it has become much worse. The simplest of functions can be quite painful!

So the doctor reads the report and we talk. He's from Boston. Went to the UW. Loves it our here. We talked Red Sox, Bill Buckner, Dawgs and then he said well you can have surgery or cortisone or physical therapy and cortisone. We went with the latter.

I love cortisone! I have a new friend! We'll get the physical therapy started soon and hopefully this shoulder dealio will get back to normal. Just one day after the injection, my shoulder is settling down.

Why did I wait 5 months?????? Don't put stuff off that you need to get done either for yourself or others. If we all took care of our business, it might just take away some of our pain!

Go Dawgs!!!!! Sorry, UCLA, another tough loss comin' your way today! I hope Shakin' Jake runs for about 7,000 yards in SoCal tonight!!!!!

MTC!!!!! (Make Today Count)

Friday, September 21, 2007

The World's Greatest Inventor

I had an MRI yesterday. It was a very interesting experience. If you have had one you understand how loud those things are! First off, I'm not a very large person. So when they starting moving me into the 'cave' my shoulder hit the side and I thought, 'man, this is a tighter fit than I anticipated!'

Once the machine fired up, I was certainly happy to have the head phones on and listening to some radio station, because that crazy machine sounded like a jack hammer!! It was just flat out screamin' loud. It all ended fine and I went on my merry way!

Now, an x-ray is one thing, but an MRI is a totally different breed of cat. The technology is absolutely amazing.

I was thinking...........we as humans have made some pretty amazing things: MRI technology, Space Shuttles, Nuclear weapons, Computers, Jumbo Jets, and the list goes one. We really have come up with some phenomenal inventions!!

However, we have yet to make a mountain range, a self-sustaining ocean, a new moon or star or sun or continent. We are quite sharp, but when it comes 'having it all', God tops the list. God is the ultimate creator, maker, and inventor.

The other thought that struck me is that even with God's immense power to create He is still a God of love and compassion. That helps me out a ton!!! I need that more than a new something or other!

Well, today we get to see what the MRI saw. I really hope my shoulder doesn't need something that requires a hole in my skin!!!

Make today count!

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Hey, this is my very first blog! As I'm writing this I am remembering back to first 'starts' in my life. Starting school. Starting sports. Starting a job. Starting a marriage. Starting a family. Starts are great! There are some things that I started that I never should have.......painting the barn, math (why is it that a parent can be dumb as a brick with something and their kids excel at it?!! Pretty cool actually), and I'm sure you have a ton of things like this as well.

Starting is great. Finishing is great too. Today I've got some projects that I've started that I need to get finished as do you. My encouragement to you is to 'make today count'! Finish what you've started and finish strong! You were made to be great!!

I sure hope this works, because if it doesn't why did I even start it????
