Sunday, September 23, 2007


OK, I shouldn't admit this, but when the home town loses, I really, really don't like it! Yesterday had to crushing defeats in it that as I write it, I'm not certain which one bugs me more: my daughter's soccer game or the UW not able to tackle any UCLA runner!!

I hate losing.

It has nothing to do with 'losers', just losing!

I guess what bugs me about losing is that the objective was not reached.

That's why I love sports so much. It can be competitive athletic engagement, hunting, fishing, etc. In sports there is an objective, a goal line, a hoop, a whopper, a wall-hanger (hunter verbiage for very large set of antlers!). There is a definitive time connected with it: 4 quarters, two halves, a two week season. There is a team involved. Playing on a team is fun! Hunting with my dad and brothers and now my daughter is a real blast! By the end of the 'time given to the sport', you can easily evaluate if you won or lost. Did you make the shot? Stop their offense? Land the fish? Best your previous top time? Win the match?

Losing well is something I'm still working at. It's not that I'm a sore loser. Not at all. It's just that I think about what we could have done better. Where did we let down? Should I have tried that other draw? Could we have done a better job passing the ball?

So today, I will not let the outcome of the Seahawks game, either a win or a loss affect me!

And I will probably chant that little mantra all game long!!!!!!!!!!

Make Today Count! (MTC)

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