Thursday, May 6, 2010


I picked up Dick Hardy's recent book 27 TOUGH QUESTIONS PASTORS ASK.

What a great book!! I really mean that!

I had the privilege of working with Dick in Des Moines Iowa at a great church! He is a great friend and a gifted person.

This book is filled with fantastic info. What I love about the book is that it doesn't offer 'how-to's' from a lead pastor viewpoint. It offers lead pastor insight but refreshingly from a different view-point. Dick was one of the best executive pastor's around which influences how he writes and I love it!

Great book. Great insight. Great answers. I'll have more on this in the next few days!

Getting ready to head to Wichita, KS next week to meet with a pastor and music staff in a consulting format. We'll have a ton of fun!!

Keep it real!
