Friday, September 21, 2007

The World's Greatest Inventor

I had an MRI yesterday. It was a very interesting experience. If you have had one you understand how loud those things are! First off, I'm not a very large person. So when they starting moving me into the 'cave' my shoulder hit the side and I thought, 'man, this is a tighter fit than I anticipated!'

Once the machine fired up, I was certainly happy to have the head phones on and listening to some radio station, because that crazy machine sounded like a jack hammer!! It was just flat out screamin' loud. It all ended fine and I went on my merry way!

Now, an x-ray is one thing, but an MRI is a totally different breed of cat. The technology is absolutely amazing.

I was thinking...........we as humans have made some pretty amazing things: MRI technology, Space Shuttles, Nuclear weapons, Computers, Jumbo Jets, and the list goes one. We really have come up with some phenomenal inventions!!

However, we have yet to make a mountain range, a self-sustaining ocean, a new moon or star or sun or continent. We are quite sharp, but when it comes 'having it all', God tops the list. God is the ultimate creator, maker, and inventor.

The other thought that struck me is that even with God's immense power to create He is still a God of love and compassion. That helps me out a ton!!! I need that more than a new something or other!

Well, today we get to see what the MRI saw. I really hope my shoulder doesn't need something that requires a hole in my skin!!!

Make today count!

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