Thursday, September 20, 2007


Hey, this is my very first blog! As I'm writing this I am remembering back to first 'starts' in my life. Starting school. Starting sports. Starting a job. Starting a marriage. Starting a family. Starts are great! There are some things that I started that I never should have.......painting the barn, math (why is it that a parent can be dumb as a brick with something and their kids excel at it?!! Pretty cool actually), and I'm sure you have a ton of things like this as well.

Starting is great. Finishing is great too. Today I've got some projects that I've started that I need to get finished as do you. My encouragement to you is to 'make today count'! Finish what you've started and finish strong! You were made to be great!!

I sure hope this works, because if it doesn't why did I even start it????


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