Thursday, November 29, 2007


I'm drinking my morning 'brew' of Sbx from my crazy old Sbx coffee cup. I've had this cup for along time. Nothing special about it. Just your basic white mug. Terribly faded label. I really don't care for it because it doesn't hold enough of the mighty bean! However.......

it has the big S label on it.

Without the label, it would be your basic, white, ceramic mug. Old school. Nothing fancy.

What's up with our affinity to have or have on a label?

Kind of funny isn't it?

Back in 1926 the Neiman Marcus Company started publishing an annual catalog of unusual gifts you could by for your special someone. But for many years the catalog didn't do very much business. Then in 1959 they decided to make a shift: they decided to publish it with only the most lavish and expensive 'labelesque' items imaginable. That year you could order a black Angus steer, to be delivered either on the hoof or in steaks with a silver-plated outdoor cooker.
The gifts have grown with the years. Just last year you could have bought a trip to send six passengers 63 miles above the Earth via Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo. Cost for this 'label' item: $1.7 mil. Or, if that was a bit steep, you could do the custom BMW for a mere $139,000.00

Labels aren't everything or are they?

What do you think? Do labels make a person or does the person make the label?

Could it be both?

What label are you wearing? Does it adequately identify the real you? Or does the label cover who you are?

Awesome dad! Amazing mom!! Phenomenal wife! Incredible husband! Exceptional child! Loving and inspiring pappa and monga! Superb neighbor! Fantastic friend.

Wear your label well, today!!


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