Saturday, November 17, 2007


It's been awhile since the last blog. The driving thing is going great! She is doing an awesome job and the car and body are intact!!!! Great job!!

Stayin' alive for most of us is the title of a song from yester-year or a phrase used for 'on the bubble' athletic teams or any number of other not near death situations in life where things might be a bit tight, but not life threatening.

I don't mean to get heavy (not another song, here), but there will be people this winter where that title will be a reality. And I suppose as the prices of every commodity rises around us, more and more people, quite possibly right next to us, will need help to see another day.

My encouragement to all of us is to do a little extra for the food banks and charitable organizations that meet the daily needs of people who are just trying to make it through another day. They aren't thinking about a disco ball, tight leisure suit, and lookin' cool. These people are just trying to stay warm, dry, and get on square a day.

Let's all pitch in and help others during this long and cold Northwest winter. Do what you can do! Together, we can make a HUGE impact.


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