Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I went and visited my little buddy yesterday at Children's. He had a little surgical procedure done. He is an amazing little guy!! He was in surgery for an hour and a half and when the nurses wheeled him into the room where his parents and I were waiting, this little seven year old gave a thumbs up!!!!! What a stud!! When I grow up, I want to be just like him!!! He really is an amazing little boy!

Here's the kudos part: the nurses and workers were so wonderful! They were cheery and positive, highly interactive, talkable, and had wonderful senses of humor! Talk about making what could be a difficult place (if you want an attitude adjustment in your life, go to Children's and take a walk down a hallway and see what these little kids and families are having to deal with in their personal lives and you will get over yourself in a HURRY!) and turning it into a positive place...I was impressed!

So to my dear friends Steve and Denise and C, you guys hang in there! You are the best.

And to everyone and Children's, thank you for doing such an awesome job!!! Oh, and to our friend Nurse B., next time please lower the telescoping I.V. holder...this is why it is you don't have to stand on the bed!!!! You were hilarious!


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