Wednesday, March 5, 2008


OK, so I'm not where paradise is. My definition of that would be Hawaii. So I guess Springfield, MO ain't dat! However, it has been a great couple of days.

I'm attending a prayer conference and has been excellent! Meeting some new friends and really getting a brutal wake up call personally. The brutal wake up is this, it's kinda one of those 'duh' moments, where you've known it for quite some time, but now you are in the middle of it and it really exposes the area of personal deficiancy. Here it is, the personal 'duh' moment: I just don't pray enough.

I know how to pray. I know that prayer changes things. I know that there are many things in life that only happen when righteous people pray and a righteous God is moved and does what He has been wanting to do along...He's just been waiting for us.

As I type this I've got my iTunes pumping and EVERLASTING GOD is playing " we wait upon the Lord..." That is a key component in prayer that I have not been doing enough of. I need to wait. Wait in God's presence. Wait for His voice and direction. It's not rocket science and it's not mystical. It's just that we make it that way.


p.s. No snow angels yesterday...sorry! I did scare the people on the bus however, by greeting them all in a really loud way!!! And yes, our shuttle bus is the short one! How fitting!!!

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