Saturday, August 30, 2008


School starting.

School supplies.

School clothes.

New schedules, classes, teachers, friends.

Sometimes a new school location.

Weather change.




With school beginning, there is a basic understanding that, even though we have 'done this before', things are new and fresh and a certain level of excitement is in everybody...students and parents alike! Appropriate change is good and healthy. A new school year brings that...for the students. But what about us who are done with the 'going to school' process?

I'm encouraging myself to take this RITE OF FALL season and change and tweak some things in my life that would be positive and helpful and healthy. As the kids face the new challenges of another year, what am I challenging myself with that will grow and develop me?

Maybe you could do the same. Maybe we all could establish as a new RITE OF FALL, some areas that we want to adjust and change and grow in that will deepen us as an individual, family member, and member of our communities.

Pack your lunch and don't be tardy!!!!



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