Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Demoted. Bumped. Removed. Ejected. Rejected. Rebuked. Denied.

It has finally happened.

I am no longer welcome in the front seat of the car(s). The oldest now has her driver's license and I am relegated to the back row. The view stinks and the air is stale. The two in the front seat are having way too much fun. They get to make all the decisions on what music we endure and what temperature feels good...in the front. I can't hear what they are talking about, and when I ask for a repeat of the last jumbled sentence I get the "Never mind" and the conversation resumes...IN THE FRONT!!!!!

Man, I hate the back seat. I hate not driving. I hate not playing with the knobs and pre-sets. I'm losing control!!!!!

You know what I need, I need grown up sized baby seat. Padded with side dealios so that I can fall asleep and my neck won't get whacked out. They can toss me some cheerios when I start to get cranky and hand me a sippy cup when I whine. No...not filled with wine. I'm getting some clarity here! I need to mellow out and enjoy the ride. Sleep. Wear a diaper. Wait...too much regression on that point. You get the idea.

Anyway, I'm in the backseat for the rest of my life and reverting back to being what they once were won't solve a thing, so I better just kick back and enjoy the ride!


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