Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Over the years and running the course of undergraduate and graduate degrees, I've acquired a few books. Like, too many books. Now, I'm not against books at all. In fact, I really have to be careful because I can fall into the trap of acquiring getting books like Mrs. Marcos and her shoe problem.

I've come to the conclusion that, as fond as I am of many of them, they need to go. They serve no purpose for me now. Yes, that is correct. No purpose. For example: COUNTERPOINT TECHNIQUES.... what in the world am I going to do with that? We're not talking leadership or counseling techniques here, we are talkin' how to write music in a contrapuntal style utilizing the appropriate techniques akin to the style. I'm no Bach!! Enough said. The book is gone.

Now, multiply that by boxes of books that were appropriate then, but insignificant now, and we need FREE THE BOOKS!!!

Besides, if I really need to find something that is of intellectual integrity far beyond my means, I have the internet. (no arrogance intended there, more of a jab at self) It's alot more compact than boxes an boxes of books.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE BOOKS. I love research. But, let's face it, things change and our culture changes and we need to be fluid in that culture.

So for now, the books from the degrees and books that have no real impact are gone! There are books that have tremendous value to me and I still utilize, theywill stay. They've made the cut! But for the other four large boxes of books...they won't even make the practice squad!!!


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