Friday, May 23, 2008


Memorial Day weekend. What big plans do you have? Any? Regardless of whether you are out enjoying the lake or camping or just getting together with friends, take a brief moment and reflect, yes I said reflect, think about those loved ones of your's that have passed away. Remember the good times. Ignore the bad ones. Take the good.

Remembering during this weekend, the tens of thousands who have given their life and their efforts over the decades to preserve and secure our freedoms, is always appropriate. It should never be considered an awkward or 'old school' experience when we pay tribute to men and women who have served our country in the armed forces. It's a matter of respect. Honor. Dignity.

Remembering the price others have paid so that we didn't have to, should always be at the front of our mind.

If you know a veteran, tell them thank you. If you have a relative who has served, tell them thank you. If you don't know of anyone, call your local VFW hall and you can get a list of names pretty quick in the city you live.

Remembering and giving thanks keeps life real.


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