Friday, May 2, 2008


It's been at least 15 years since I played on a church softball team! What a riot!

Last night we had our first practice and it is obvious that 15 years have gone by and the body just doesn't do what it was once capable of doing. But some things never change!

Winning is not the objective, staying healthy is!
Being an encourager to the other players, knowing they are doing thier best!
Enjoying the opportunity to hang out with people and get to know them better.
Laughing at: 1. myself 2. my fellow team-mates 3. Anything and everybody else
Looking forward to the games and laughing some more!!!

So, here we go. A summer of games and good times on the old church softball team. I'm just hoping Casey doesn't get too winded over there playing first base!!!

Let the laughter begin!!!!!


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