Tuesday, May 20, 2008


We talked on Sunday about THE FOUNDATION OF FIDELITY AND TRUST and how important it is in our families.

You need to listen to it!

So, last night I'm checking in on the score of the Spurs/Hornets game and I swing past Dr. Phil and I hear him say the word 'fidelity'. So I quickly hit the clicker brakes and backed up. Wouldn't you know it, he was talking to a couple about Fidelity and Trust!!!! Maybe you saw it.

I watched for about 10 minutes and was blown away by how jacked up this marriage was due to infidelity and distrust. It made me very sad.

When we PUT GOD FIRST in our lives, everything else works out. Sure, as a Christ follower, we blow it and make mistakes. We're all flawed, but when we attempt to live our lives with God taking priority in our lives, fidelity and trust works and life is much better.

Fidelity and Trust won't resolve every tension in life, but it will make for a home that is filled with live and acceptance. Try it, you'll like it!!


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