Thursday, February 28, 2008


Indulge me for a moment.

For those that have kids still at home, how are you doing with the whole deal of your kids growing up way too fast. Not in the sense of street smart, but just getting older way too fast. I don't know about you, but I really don't like it!

It's not about getting older personally, but rather, I have so loved every stage of their lives, that the thought of them one day being out from my care and everyday involvment, really can bug me sometimes. For example...

Tonight I was playing catch with my second daughter. We were throwing the softball around and a couple came walking by. We said 'Hello' and the wife said, 'I remember when he (referring to her husband) coached our kids' teams.' Yikes!!!!

I know, the next stage of their lives I will totally groove on, but the point I'm trying to make is that our kids grow up so fast and then they will be gone.

So here is the million dollar ?: are we as parents, spending time making memories or will we have too much time when they are gone, wishing we had some to remember?

This much I do know and I've told my daughters: "You will never get rid of me! I will drive your husband nuts!! I will fill your children with sugar and hype them up to high heaven and then your mom and me will go home. But we will be back for breakfast!!!"

Yeah right!


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