Tuesday, February 26, 2008


How do you handle that? You know, when someone misunderstands you. Whenever you place yourself into new situations which involve people, you run the risk, yes risk of being misunderstood.

When you are misunderstood, do you take offense? Do you use it as an opportunity for reflection and if needed, adjustment?

Certainly we do not change who or what we are just because someone or some group might misunderstand who we are or what our motives might be.

Generally, when we are misunderstood, it is good practice for us to stop a moment and do some evaluation.
1. Evaluate what we are doing.
2. Evaluate how we are doing it.
3. Evaluate what are motives are.
4. Evaluate the misunderstandor(s).
5. Evaluate the surroundings.

I'm a highly emotional individual. I can't help that. God wired me that way. I can either be the life of the party, or if I'm not, those that know me, wonder why I'm not 'amped' up. There are times for emotion and then there are times that it is inappropriate. However, knowing who you are and how God made you and wired you helps make certain that you don't misunderstand yourself.

That is key.

Like weeds in the flower bed or lawn, being misunderstood will always be a part of life. Don't get defensive and aloof, just realize that you are different and unique and there is only one of you! Make personal growth your aim and not staying the same.

It's ok to be misunderstood, however it is not ok to be misguided.

Understand who you are and how God hard-wired your personality. Be true to yourself. Be true to God. Modify when necessary and magnify when needed.


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