Monday, February 4, 2008

Climbing The Mountain

When you climb Everest, you don't do it alone. You climb it with a team. Without a team, it would be impossible to make the ascent happen. You need the Sherpas, the support people, the base team. It takes alot of people with the same focus and desire and commitment.

Ask the NY football Giants.

Talk about a great team effort! That was a superb game; a total team effort. It was thrilling to watch. They knew the mountain they had to climb and determined to make it a team.

Who's on your team? Do you have the right people in the right spots? Are you consistently working the team to achieve maximum draw from each person's abilities, training, experiences, and strengths?

Your team might consist of 0nly your family; that's totally cool. Grow a great team. Pour into them. Build them. Nurture them. Sustain them. Push them.

Life is a wee bit longer in length than the time spent climbing Everest or getting to the SuperBowl, however, the element of growing a great team should be a life-long pursuit!

Grab the gear....let's go climbin'!


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