Friday, April 11, 2008


Have you ever had anybody ask you that question? And then you try to explain it.

Some jobs are pretty obvious as to what is invovled: garbage truck driver, fireman, policeman, dentist, doctor, teacher, professor, banker, etc.

How ' planter!

Now there's one for the old, 'what in the world do you do all day????" file! Trying to explain this to people is like trying to have the farmer explain how he goes about germinating the corn crop!

A new church, ex nihilo, being made out of nothing, is much like planting a garden or shrubs or lawn. It takes time, care, protection, nutrients, patience, attention, focus, determination, an ability to shrug off discouragement, proper maintenance, and time. Did I say time???

Before stepping out to do this 'church planter thing', the supporting cast around me was quite large. All that to say, there are no other departments to handle this requisition or that, no media department or graphics department.. it's just the planter and the people that have made the huge decision to jump on board and see this thing through! God bless them!!!

All in all it is a daily dose of faith and function squashing out the fear! God is so cool. He is in this! It's a far cry from a human perspective from being in front of 4,000 people each week, but I wouldn't trade it for the this world!!! For sure, the next one!

So, what do you do?


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