Saturday, April 19, 2008


Taking responsibility is one of life's greatest opportunities. However, it is an opportunity that is more often than not ignored in our society.

People would love to come up with their lists or items they feel you should be responsible for, but I'm refering to those basic and good and honorable areas of life that as humans, we have the opportunity to take own.

I have found it interesting to watch this whole Hatfield (Seattle and Co.) and McCoy (Bennett and Co.) feud heat up revolving around the Sonics. He said. She said. They said. Good faith. No faith. Recission. It all comes off at times like immature teen-agers name calling on the playground.

Our benchmark for behavior should never be as low as being demonstrated by the afformentioned groups. Yuk!!!!

Rather, we have the opportunity to step up and take responsibility for some wonderful things in life like:
Being a great spouse
Being a great mom or dad
Being a great teen-ager or young adult
Being a great neighbor
Holding up our end of the agreement
Saying kind words and not hurtful words
Being a great employer or great employee

You get the point. So, let's not miss the opportunities we have right in front of us in the area of taking responsibility for things we should!



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