Monday, January 7, 2008


Karen and I took our dog for a walk late yesterday afternoon. Down the street, down the hill and back home again. It is one mile each way.

On the way back, I decided power walk up the hill (whatever that means!!! I just walked faster and tried to maintain it) I did until my shins felt like they were ready to explode!

Later in the evening I couldn't walk correctly. My shins were killing me. When I would walk, my feet would flop as if I had flippers on. I felt ridiculous and the ridicule I was enduring from my wife didn't help.

Two Advil and off to bed.

It made me think, however.

There are millions of people, in America alone, who suffer with physical ailments that would love to have gone out for a walk yesterday. Stuff in and attached to their body doesn't work correctly. They can't go out for a walk. Never will be able to.

I was reminded again how much I take my health and ability to enjoy life, and do most anything I want to with a healthy body, for granted.

So, when you walk today or play with your kids or hit the gym, don't forget to thank God for your health and the body he gave you that works exceptionally well. You are a very wealthy person to have so much!

BTW, my shins are better. Thanks for asking!!


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