Tuesday, January 8, 2008


I'm going back to school!

This time to teach.

It's been a few years since my graduation from graduate school, like 18 years!!! Since then the learning hasn't stopped and the tests have had to be passed and average grades were unacceptable and the finals were a bit more intense, but that is how life is....it's still old school.

In thinking about going back to a university campus an teaching a course, it is amazing to consider how the world is so much different now. We didn't have the Internet. We typed our term papers and dissertations on a typewriter. Starbucks didn't own the universe and cell phones were the size of a large brick!

Even with all the changes in our world, school is still school and we have to learn. We have to pass. We should excel. Life is like old school. Things change so fast, but we still need to grow and learn and pass and we intuitively want to excel.

Just as in any learning environment we need to surround ourselves with the correct influences and tools to help us achieve our optimum. Get the right people around you. Listen to the positive and don't dwell on the negative. See your preferred future, study and work hard and go for it!

Life is like school: it all keeps changing, but the basic elements are still the same and we still get grades!

I need to go because I need to see if my wife has any lunch money for me!


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