Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Ever wonder where customer service went? Whatever happened to the concept that the consumer is King? Nordstrom has had it right for years. I just found another one!

I talked with Dick who is the supervisor of a great department in a state run agency today. I thanked him for his excellent people and their thoroughness, patience, and kindness. The agency is in another state than the one I live in. As I talked with him, he informed me that from
his 30 years of working in sales, he has applied the same principles and expectations to his staff
at this state agency. He is very clear with his people, he explained, "If you can't meet these expectations in dealing with our customers, then you won't work here."

It's no wonder other states have inquired of him 'how he does it'. Treating people as you would like to be treated never gets old.

Great job Dick and a huge thank you to all of your team!



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