Monday, December 1, 2008


Listening to all the bantering back and forth on the radio and reading the different posts, people still possess some expectations for the future of Husky and Seahawk football. I really get a kick out of the whole process.

And I for one, think it is great!!

Why not?

Have some expectations! Have a level that you refuse to dip beneath! In our politically correct, overly sensitive culture where if you say the wrong thing to the wrong person, somebody somewhere will make you believe that the person you tried to get motivated, has lived a horribly stunted life because you made them feel bad and hurt their feelings.


Expectations are good. Expectations are necessary. If you are underachieving, you'd better hope you have people in your sphere of influence that can get into your mental kitchen and rearrange your furniture!

I'm glad my Mom and Dad had expectations for my life. I'm 45 and they still do! I'm totally thankful that I had professors that said I was lousy! I'm glad I've had friends that have said 'you can do better than that!'

Getting mad at my under achieving is a great motivator for me. How about you? Or do you take offense when somebody calls you out for not meeting expectations?

Get fired up! Reach for and hit those expectations! Don't be a wimp or cry when somebody motivates you to do better.

I saw on YouTube the other day an NFL coach get in the grill of a rookie....the mammoth of a man, the player, not the coach started to cry! Give me a break!!

I for one, was a fan of the Lou Pinella school of Major League Managing: if you don't like it, get over it and if you can't get over it, we'll trade your sorry carcass!

Expectations: do you have some?


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