Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Necessary Maintenance

We might even call it preventative maintenance, but I needed to do some necessary maintenance to my lawn as I had neglected it somewhat last spring.

So, yesterday six of us neighbors rented a lawn aerator.

One of my neighbors' little 5 year old daughter said about the machine, "That is a better lawn moler than my daddy has. But why does it make poop on the grass?" What a riot!!!!!

As I'm fighting this aerator over my front and back lawn areas I was thinking about the necessary maintenance that is required in life. We need to see a dentist once in a while, the doctor, take certain medications, get some exercise, etc.

What about the necessary maintenance in your family? Hanging out together, talking with each other, communicating how we really love and appreciate each other, and expressing verbally how wonderfully talented and funny and gifted they are.

What about the necessary maintenance in you own spiritual life? Daily spiritual disciplines like prayer and reading the Bible, taking care of your connection with God, working on loving others like Jesus said we should.

We spend quite a bit of time, effort, energy, money, and provide necessary maintenance on our yards. We should apply the same to our families, ourselves and our relationship with God.

Just random thoughts walking behind an aerator!

Make Today Count!

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