Monday, February 2, 2009


I saw two plays of the SuperBowl yesterday. My team did not win!!


Now, what I did hear today on the radio was that people were a bit irrated at some of the calls the Steelers received/didn't get....depending on your view of the World Champs!

I didn't see any of them so I can't comment on the actual calls/non-calls, but this I can tell you: it doesn't matter whether you are a Seahawk fan or a Cardinal fan, when you lose and place the majority of the blame on the refs....gimmmeeeeeabreak!!!!!!

I'm not a Steeler fan and it was a total drag when the Hawks lost three years ago, but all the same, you can't gripe about the calls. Winners find ways to win.

Be a winner not a whiner!!! Nuffsaid.

(I'm talkin' to myself on this one!)

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