Sunday, October 5, 2008


In just a few hours, I will be doing a talk on Marriage. I told my wife earlier this week that I was actually kind of stressed out over this one. We've been married for 21 years and in putting this talk together, I really see some glaring weaknesses in myself and I need to shore them up with God's help.

When I told Karen I felt like a lousy husband she laughed at me...that was not the help I was looking for!!

So, today, once again, I will be talking to myself while people listen in...isn't there help for that kind of stuff?

Here's your daily quiz:

1. How's your marriage?

2. What are your secrets for keeping it exquisite?

3. What are you doing to make it better?

4. What do you do to meet the needs of your mate?

5. Do you understand the needs of your spouse and do you work at meeting them even when you don't feel like it?


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