Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Life really stinks when you have to do it alone!!! Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a bit of down time from people even though I'm a people person. But to do life or to do ministry or to do a job all by your lonesome, well, it registers a zero on the 'fun' scale!

I was talking to a friend today, Dustin, and we were talking about a new position he has and there are 14 people on his team....everyone a winner!!! He was saying how awesome it is to have great people all going the same direction. No wonder they get so much done! Great teams get great results!!

We were laughing about another time and place where he was trying to do it all by himself and it was really tough. Now he has a great team and the team is accomplishing much!

No matter how talented we are, no matter how gifted we might think we are, no matter how much we read our own press, we still get more done with a team!

I get the greatest thrill from working with teams and seeing the team accomplish more than any one individual ever could dream of accomplishing by herself/himself. We truly are better together!



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