Sunday, August 24, 2008


I have been blessed with an awesome privilege and honor: I get to pastor an absolutely AMAZING group of people!!!!! What a thrill!

Today we did a deal we call FUNSUNDAY! We did church outside without any service, well, there was lots of service, but what I mean is that I wasn't up infront of everybody flappin' my piehole. Of which, I'm certain, the entire lot of Designer's were ecstatic!!!!

This FUNSUNDAY! deal was all about giving out free backpacks and school supplies as well as jump houses, free food, and lots of fun! Here's where I gotta brag: the awesome, fantastic, amazing, and phenomenal folks of DCC stepped up and drove it out of the park...a grand salami.

We had over 350 people today and you should have seen the wonderful interaction of the DCC crew as they served people and made people feel welcome and just plain served them. I WAS/AM STOKED!!

I am so proud of these awesome people. What a fantastic honor it is to be associated with them!

Thanks for the opportunity to brag!!!!


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