Friday, January 11, 2008


Dogs! Not dawgs!! And no, I do not have $100's of thousands of dollars to give to the UW prez if he makes certain changes with the fball coaching staff!

Big dogs! Dog's that have been making it happen before I was born. Mega dollar dogs.

When I was a kid, one of the top game co's was Hasbro. Last week the fella who invented the game Cranium sold it to Hasbro. What a great story! Little dog takes big dog's food dish and then makes big dog pay little dog to have it back.

The idea for Cranium was not stolen or taken from anything Hasbro had, I'm not inferring that, but rather an employee of Microsoft get's this idea for a new game while playing a game at some friend's home, and the rest is history! A very rich history!

All that to say: some things are just begging to happen!

To some, the inventor and co-inventor of Cranium would be heroes because of what they did and how it has performed.

There is a hero inside of you, waiting to bust out. It might be in the form of an idea or an act of love or kindness.

Run with the big dogs, because you were designed 2 b a hero!


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