Monday, January 28, 2008


There aren't too many things in life that are sure fire guarantees. There a a few, but life is all about choices and what direction you are intentionally heading.

This was slammed home in my brain again yesterday.

We had the funeral service for my grandmother, she was 91 years old. She was a great lady. I never saw her riled or irritated. On the contrary, she loved life. She lived in the moment not for the moment.

What struck me in a profound way yesterday, was the realization, that her prayers for her kids and grandchildren and great grandchildren has had a powerful impact on how they now live life. Not only have her grandchildren excelled and are making positive impact for the common good of people, but her great-grandchildren are poised to do so as well. They are living a life that, in time, will be well-lived and ordered as their great-grandmother did.

I know the nostalgic look back might be a bit 'thick' for some, but it is indeed something to consider: that we have the ability to live a life well and that we do have the opportunity to affect positive change in those we love the most. This comes by modeling life as it should be lived and through continual prayer that they might live a life that is well ordered and strong.


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