Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I was thinking the other day how some people have the ability to do something, but are unavailable to do it. Then there are those who are available, but don't have the ability.

Ability + Availability = Great Success.

He played football at a small university. Not very fast. Not very big. Had some ability.

Turned down by one NFL team, but was available to drive, yes drive nearly 2000 miles and try out for another.

He made the team!

During his career, Steve Largent, out-performed people with great abilities, and he turned a very humble start in the NFL into a Hall of Fame career.


Ability + Availability = Great Success.

There are people all around us that have the ability to make a difference and they do not. Why? They think they are unavailable.

Others end up making a huge impact because they recognize their abilities and make themselves available! Those kind of people are HUGELY successful!!!

If you have the ability, then become available and watch the great things happen!!

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