Saturday, January 2, 2010


Hey, if you are into New Year's resos, here's a few I came across!

1. Stop eating boogers- Cameron 6 years old..

2. Stop passing gas in church- Melissa 10 years old
3. Stop drinking out of the milk container- Rick 36 years old.
4. Then stop putting back the empty container- Rick 36 years old.
5. Stop eating other employee's lunches out of the frig- 28 yr old worker at a food distribution plant
6. I will balance my checkbook ………………on my nose.
7. I will think of a new password, other than the word password.
8. I will always....always check for paper, when leaving the bathroom.
9. I will work with neglected own.
10. I will not sit in the living room all day in my pj’s; instead I will be moving the computer into the bedroom.
11. I will work hard to become a legal advisor and push for the immediate restriction of anything Twilight.
12. I will be a millionaire on Farmville.
13. I will not ask my fellow taxpayers to bail me out of anything.
14. I will not text or email my spouse or children while sitting in another room.

Happy New Year!!!!

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