Friday, November 20, 2009


Chrsitmas is almost here!

I can't believe how fast time flies. When you are young, you never think of getting old. Time moves on at a brisk clip and before you know it there is more of life in the rear view mirror than in front of you!

Two options: we can stare in the rear view mirror, or we can cast or vision straight ahead and be excited and motivated by what lies ahead.

There are a number of movies out right now that deal with the end of things; 2012, Collapse, The Road. Time is moving us down the timeline, duh! How we deal with the added pressures of our cities, country, and world, need not be filled with gloom and doom and steady gazes in the rear view mirror.

Rather, fix your eyes on today and be a pusher of Hope. Spread it liberally. Pass it out freely. Don't hold back! Let 'er rip!!! People need Hope. God has more than we could ever contain and He's passing it out for free! You should check Him out!


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