Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I gotta be honest whichya....I cannot wait for this election season to be over. I'm really sick and tired of the commercials on tv and radio, the flyers, the signs, the 'he said' 'she said'........

However, I am grateful to live in America and to have the opportunity to vote my conscience. To not vote is just plain not taking advantage of the great privilege we have that people groups around the world would, well, die for.

I could care less if by the time the Presidential race is called, Washington's votes don't factor into the win or lose totals, I will have cast my vote, committed to a candidate and once again said a simple and quiet prayer of thanks to God for the USA!

The vote for our gubernatorial race will be different in the sense that we will be able to see in real-time how our votes are influencing the outcome.

So,Let's get it on! Let's vote! Let's move on and clear the air-waves of the whining!!!!! Make sure you vote! You might just be the 'swing vote!!'


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