Sunday, March 9, 2008


This morning was a real special deal! Out of the blue, a couple from Sacramento that are some of the finest people in the world walked in while we were doing a sound check and getting ready for the morning service. Randy and Nancy were a vital part of the ministry we were involved at in California and they were up paying a visit to their son on his 25th birthday. What a treat!! We laughed and had a great time getting caught up. What great people!!

There was another couple from Cali that was in the service as well. Adam and Jessie are a young couple that are just as fantastic. What great people they are. We were able to have lunch with them and it was a blast just hanging out and laughing and getting caught up as well.

This is what makes the church, the body of Christ, so awesome!!!! Most people think church is like a drag and a drudgery. let me tell you this: the people are the church and the church is made up of fantastic people. People who will do anything for you with all the right reasons and the whole time desiring to do it for God!

As was the case today, the friends you make in church are some of the finest people in the world, and wheny they pop in on you, it makes for a great morning!!!

Thanks Randy and Nancy and Adam and Jessie for making today totally sweet!!!!!

We love you guys!!!!


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