Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I thatched my lawn. By hand. Yes with a hand powered, non-motorized thatch rake. It was good for me. It was good for the lawn.

Here's what blew me away: I pulled out a ridiculous amount of dead grass! The lawn isn't even a year old!!!

As I was raking, I couldn't help but think about my life and trying to identify areas of 'thatch' in my own person.

Interestingly enough, all that remained after the thatching process was the living part of the lawn and this: the soil ready to receive the nutrients it needs from fertilizer and an open path for new growth to spring up.

Life is the same way. Death leads to life. We cut back to promote new growth. Necessary steps are taken to insure that proper growth happens.

I hazard a guess that if each one of us took the time to thatch our own life, we would be amazed at how much non-living stuff we were able to clear out.

MTC! (maketodaycount)

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