Monday, November 5, 2007


It's funny, but that might be a word that has been more powerful in the past and is loosing it's own 'passion', but suffice it to say, we all know that it is a very strong word.

Everyone is passionate about something. Life is to be lived passionately. When I live passionately my family is better for it, I'm better for it and others around are positively impacted. It might come through a 'can do' attitude, or helping with a project, or making someone laugh, whatever we do, passion should be the fuel that fires up life.

And then those are those times when passion gets us in trouble!

I had that happen on Saturday.

My passion for coaching and athletics made my mouth a tad bit over-responsive and I was 'too passionate' with a fellow coach of mine!!

Some would say, "Dude, why even let unsuspecting people know about your issues?" Well, there's a book I like to read and it talks about the fact that 'confession is healthy for living well.'
Now, I wish I would never have popped off out of frustration. There is no reason that a game should mess up my mental kitchen, but it did and I allowed it.

My popping off, made for a really ugly Saturday for me internally. I blew it. I knew it. And I had to make it right. So I emailed my friend and lamely apologized. I then called him on Sunday and did so again. He was so gracious and kind. He told me I was way to harsh on myself and he said that it was not an issue. What a great guy!

The point in all of this rambling is that we should never live a day without fire and passion for living well. BUT, when we blow it, we need to have the same fire and passion to make it right. I need to do better on the field and on the court.

Passion- helps teams win, makes homes great and businesses grow, encourages our kids and spouses and just might make all the difference in the world for someone!



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