Thursday, November 29, 2007


I'm drinking my morning 'brew' of Sbx from my crazy old Sbx coffee cup. I've had this cup for along time. Nothing special about it. Just your basic white mug. Terribly faded label. I really don't care for it because it doesn't hold enough of the mighty bean! However.......

it has the big S label on it.

Without the label, it would be your basic, white, ceramic mug. Old school. Nothing fancy.

What's up with our affinity to have or have on a label?

Kind of funny isn't it?

Back in 1926 the Neiman Marcus Company started publishing an annual catalog of unusual gifts you could by for your special someone. But for many years the catalog didn't do very much business. Then in 1959 they decided to make a shift: they decided to publish it with only the most lavish and expensive 'labelesque' items imaginable. That year you could order a black Angus steer, to be delivered either on the hoof or in steaks with a silver-plated outdoor cooker.
The gifts have grown with the years. Just last year you could have bought a trip to send six passengers 63 miles above the Earth via Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo. Cost for this 'label' item: $1.7 mil. Or, if that was a bit steep, you could do the custom BMW for a mere $139,000.00

Labels aren't everything or are they?

What do you think? Do labels make a person or does the person make the label?

Could it be both?

What label are you wearing? Does it adequately identify the real you? Or does the label cover who you are?

Awesome dad! Amazing mom!! Phenomenal wife! Incredible husband! Exceptional child! Loving and inspiring pappa and monga! Superb neighbor! Fantastic friend.

Wear your label well, today!!


Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I apologize for not posting for some time. Now we are back!

Here we go! Not only do we have the election competition heating up, but did you stray out into the human free-for-all called 'Black Friday' last week or did you wait until 'Cyber Monday'?

Competition is at it's high point for the year! Candidates competing for your ear and heart. Retailers trying to reel you into their store or website. The Seahawks are attempting to repeat as NFC West champs and the Huskies are trying to not be demoted to a Division II A football program!! (And I'm a Husky fan!). The wrangling for your wallet and attention is at a fever pitch!

It made me think about the competitive things that happen in your life and my life on a more personal level like job advancement, time, rest, meeting the needs of not only yourself, but our families. There is a ton of competitive elements that comprise our every day existence.

The great coach of the dynasty making UCLA basketball teams; the Wizard of Westwood; the coach who would never, ever call the first time out in a game.....John Wooden....was no stranger to competition. He knew it well.

Coach Wooden always taught his players: "Be true to yourself." Be who you are. Be what you are. Work hard to better yourself and reach your potential, but never forget to "Be true to yourself."

Competition can either hone us into whom we are becoming or it can shove us into what we are not.

Be yourself. Continue to force yourself to become the best you can be, but don't do the competitive game of comparison and improper evaluation of self. The backdrop of others is never a good image to place yourself in front of. Rather, make your own picture. Create your own masterpiece. That was another John Woodenism.....'Make today a masterpiece.'

Compete against yourself. Make yourself achieve. The battle to be better than others is time wasted and energy unwisely used.


Saturday, November 17, 2007


It's been awhile since the last blog. The driving thing is going great! She is doing an awesome job and the car and body are intact!!!! Great job!!

Stayin' alive for most of us is the title of a song from yester-year or a phrase used for 'on the bubble' athletic teams or any number of other not near death situations in life where things might be a bit tight, but not life threatening.

I don't mean to get heavy (not another song, here), but there will be people this winter where that title will be a reality. And I suppose as the prices of every commodity rises around us, more and more people, quite possibly right next to us, will need help to see another day.

My encouragement to all of us is to do a little extra for the food banks and charitable organizations that meet the daily needs of people who are just trying to make it through another day. They aren't thinking about a disco ball, tight leisure suit, and lookin' cool. These people are just trying to stay warm, dry, and get on square a day.

Let's all pitch in and help others during this long and cold Northwest winter. Do what you can do! Together, we can make a HUGE impact.


Thursday, November 8, 2007


I know what you're thinking. But I'm not talking about that! Here's what I'm talkin' about...that moment when most parents, move from in control to being at the mercy of the moment. That time in life when you try to not allow your blood pressure to rise like the mercury on a thermometer in death valley. That moment when you cross over the imaginary line that differentiates between how you hope they have seen you function and not upon how they have seen you function. I'm talkin about that season called instructional permit!

Yes, we are experiencing the season, in our home, for the very first time. My oldest daughter actually drives very well. Not because of me, but because she has observed how her mother drives. This is a very good thing.

Here is the crazy part: why do they call the card that the student carries with them an 'instructional permit'? Really that is quite wrong. They should issue every parent a card that says the very same thing once the child receives their card. I've never done this before!!!! I don't have a brake or steering wheel on my side of the car!! I'm learning MORE than my daughter is and it has nothing to do with driving!! You know what I mean???

I'm learning that it really cool going through new ages and stages with my kids!

I'm learning that I really care more for my kids than I ever thought or dreamed!

I'm learning that I am spending more time thinking about God's amazing future He has for their
lives and that I get to play a major role in it!

I'm learning that I get totally stoked when I think about how God is guiding their lives just as He wants and that my role and function is more about stewardship and not ownership!

I'm learning that parenting is one of the most awesome privileges a person could ever have is that of raising children!

I'm also learning that I drive way too fast and that I have no idea what the speed limits are.....when I'm driving!!!!!

'Tis the season!!!!


Monday, November 5, 2007


It's funny, but that might be a word that has been more powerful in the past and is loosing it's own 'passion', but suffice it to say, we all know that it is a very strong word.

Everyone is passionate about something. Life is to be lived passionately. When I live passionately my family is better for it, I'm better for it and others around are positively impacted. It might come through a 'can do' attitude, or helping with a project, or making someone laugh, whatever we do, passion should be the fuel that fires up life.

And then those are those times when passion gets us in trouble!

I had that happen on Saturday.

My passion for coaching and athletics made my mouth a tad bit over-responsive and I was 'too passionate' with a fellow coach of mine!!

Some would say, "Dude, why even let unsuspecting people know about your issues?" Well, there's a book I like to read and it talks about the fact that 'confession is healthy for living well.'
Now, I wish I would never have popped off out of frustration. There is no reason that a game should mess up my mental kitchen, but it did and I allowed it.

My popping off, made for a really ugly Saturday for me internally. I blew it. I knew it. And I had to make it right. So I emailed my friend and lamely apologized. I then called him on Sunday and did so again. He was so gracious and kind. He told me I was way to harsh on myself and he said that it was not an issue. What a great guy!

The point in all of this rambling is that we should never live a day without fire and passion for living well. BUT, when we blow it, we need to have the same fire and passion to make it right. I need to do better on the field and on the court.

Passion- helps teams win, makes homes great and businesses grow, encourages our kids and spouses and just might make all the difference in the world for someone!



Saturday, November 3, 2007


My phone rang the other day and as I picked it up, the number was one that I did not recognize. Nothing new. I answered and instantly I knew the voice! We hadn't talked for at least, I don't know, 7 years or more.

He was a friend from college and it was great hearing from him. Talking and telling stories and getting caught up on life was, well, hilarious! It was truly, great hearing from him and we are trying to figure out how to grab a cup of joe sometime!

The funny thing about it was, I had been trying to track him down, but without any success. So, I basically just gave up and left it at that.

The best thing about true friends, is that you can be separated by miles and years and once you reconnect, it's as if nothing happened.

Maybe you can do a better job than I did reconnected with a friend from years gone by. Give it a shot. The laughs and 'do you remember when...' stories are truly worth it!!!



Thursday, November 1, 2007


The pantry in our house really began to stink shortly after we moved in!

I mean, like really bad.

It was like something had crawled inside the walls and died.....the size of a rhino!!!

My wife and looked and I had looked, on numerous occasions, but we just couldn't figure it out. And the stink rolled on! It kept getting, well, richer, fuller, deeper, and just plain more ugly and foul.

We hypothesised that during the building process, something either was left in a wall or something got into a wall to rot! We thought it might be the framers, the sheet rockers, the clean-up guys, anybody we could think of.

Leaving the door to the pantry open at night only put a dent into the odor and of course, put the odor all over the house. We had some friends over and I had the husband go and get me a can of something out of the pantry. Yep, he about gagged.

Finally, my wife, took it personally and began hauling out every item that was in that small area. I heard her holler, "There it is!" I panicked! I thought she found the rotting carcass of some small rodent that I really don't care for. So I hollered back, "What is IT?"

IT was a foul, beyond spoiling, decaying into nuclear waste.........onion!

Good grief. An onion.

Well so much for our theories of who did what and how!

So, whenever there is something awry, remember, it might not be as bad as you think. It might only be a rotting onion!

