Monday, October 15, 2007

Membership Matters!

Saturday was a big day!

My wife and our oldest daughter headed to an all day swim meet. I took our younger daughter to her soccer game. We then headed to run a few errands after the game and then off to sight in a rifle she will use in a couple of weeks for the annual elk hunt!

Now, I thought I had my ducks in a row. I had emailed the range master and he gave the hours that the range would be open. We headed out to the range and wouldn't you know it, I had not asked the correct question. I asked what time and he gave me the times, he didn't tell me you had to be a member. Never came up.

Bummer deal.

So we headed to another gun range nearby hoping that we would find a sympathetic soul to help us. We found a gentleman who was more than gracious and was happy to help get the gun sighted in. What a great guy! Thanks for your help Clete!

As we left, I was grateful for our newly made friend and it also made me think about how membership matters. Being a member of certain things is critical for life to work well: family, small group of close friends, work force, and many more. Membership offers community and benefits that are unavailable to those outside its boundaries.

I found that out on Saturday at the locked gate!

It might be wise to check into the membership dues at the gun club!!


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