Monday, September 29, 2008


I was talking with a friend the other day about some exercise questions. He's quite the workout guru and nutrition expert. He's been doing it for decades. The guy is ripped and if he didn't have a few grey hairs roaming on his head, would look about 50. The guy is pushing 70.

As we were gabbing about the questions I had he made this comment (he's really funny and says what is on his mind): "Listen you dodo, you body is eating itself! You need protein, protein and more protein!"

Suffice it to say, class was in session!

The bottom line was that I am not eating to support the caloric output from the running I do. Pretty obvious when I'm losing weight. So, I'm on an eating binge! Let's see if I can keep from dipping under the buck-fitty class!

It all made me think: you can do the right things, the healthy things, and still miss the mark!

I've never ran in my life. Now I do 4-6 miles a day. I never used to watch what I ate. Now I'm very aware of what I eat.

Being concerned about out well-being is good, but we can make some mistakes by having too narrow a focus instead of seeing the bigger picture. We can do the right things, but miss the point.

For example: we can say we are going to spend more time with our kids, but if we are "with" our kids and always on the cell phone with someone else, we've missed the point.

We can do something with the family, but if we don't make it a 'good' time because we are mentally checked out, we've missed the point.

We can tell our spouse that we love them, but if we have taken them for granted for years, we've missed the point.

My friend told me in no uncertain terms, that if I didn't start eating better, my body had no choice but to eat itself. I thought that was pretty gross, so his direct approach has worked!!!! I am seeing the point!

Sometimes it takes someone else to help us see the point and once you do, what are you going to do about it?


Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Saturday after Kailee's soccer game, we stopped in at Wally's for a burger and shake. We placed our order and sat down at a table. Next to us was a gentleman and he began talking to me. Usually I start talking to someone, but this guy started in. I really didn't feel like a conversation at the time, but I returned in kind.

At first I couldn't determine if he was just 'simple' or there were deeper issues. He loved sports. He loved hunting. His favorite place to eat was Burger King. Some of his words were difficult to understand. And before long, my entire family was engaged in conversation with this gentleman who loved to talk and loved to laugh.

He has a thriving business. Owns his own home. Doesn't have any family nearby (the closest is in Oregon). He is 62 and looking to retire. His highest level of education: 1st grade. We talked and laughed for an hour.

Some people would view Albert as a person to treat with kindness, but not to be allowed to get too close. I found him to be exhilarating! My kind of guy. Some have said I only have a first grade level of edjubakashun, but boy can I connect with those types!!!! Albert told me the street he lives on....I asked him three times to repeat it. Never did understand him.

Albert has a PhD in discernment. He was as sharp as a tack in areas of life that most people with PhD can't get right. Albert is a very bright person. But at first glance, you would not think that.

I want to find Albert. I want to take him to Burger King and just hang out. Maybe you know him. If you do, let me know where I can find him.

Or maybe, just maybe....Albert was an angel that God knew I needed at that moment. Albert made me laugh and made my family laugh in a way that was rich and deep and fun and honoring and decent and healthy and wholesome. It was cleansing.

God knows what you need and he might just bring an Albert along to give it to you. Accept it.

Thanks God for Albert!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I get a kick every time I see a product with the "NEW AND IMPROVED" title. I always wonder: was it old and lousy before? Maybe its been a great product, but great products just come out with a new line or new flavor or new color schemes. I just looked at an email I received from Apple about their new Nano's and their colors.

In life, sorry to say, we are wired to look for the 'new and improved'. There are times it is appropriate as in replacing an unsafe/cash sucking car or updating your lime green/gum soled/suede slip on loafers! There are other times it is not. I don't need a 'new and improved' marriage or family or good/solid friends. If my marriage is not where it should be, well it might require some work. Same with my family and friendships/relationships.

'New and improved' doesn't mean better and more fulfilling/satisfying. Maybe all we need to do is focus upon that which needs some work and put the needed time and energy into making what we already have, bright and bold and beautiful. It's like a car that needs a good wash and wax: it takes some time and effort, but once that takes place, the car looks fantastic and you feel great about the accomplishment.



Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I've been doing some research on the topic of relationships. We will be talking on the subject this Sunday. It's really made me stop and evaluate how I'm doing in this area. (Nothing like standing up in front of a bunch of people and using the bible to talk about stuff that I need to grow in!!!! YIKES!) Just because I'm married and have some great friends, does it mean that I've mastered the art of relationships. Terms like 'cultivating, developing, growing, investing' all play a part in whether you and I have good relationships.

We don't need to go through life and be lonely. If we've been burned before in a relationship, it doesn't mean that we cease and desist from developing new ones. We're not talking about marraige, we're talking about relationships with individuals that add value to our days and meaning to our existence.

Whether you like it or not, whether you believe it or not, we were made to have other people in our lives. We are better together. We can accomplish much more together.

Life is fuller when we have a few solid relationships in our lives.

If you need to grow in this area, like me, check out the talk on this Sunday. I'm learning a ton about the stuff I have to work on in my relationships!!!!

Have a great day!!!!
